Every year, the “Journées de l’Ecole Doctorale de Bordeaux (JED)” or Ph.D. student day is an opportunity to bring together PhD students of the Graduate School of Sciences, Physics, and Engineering (ED SPI Nº209) to a conference open to all actors of the field (researchers, post-docs, master students, engineers …). This one day-long event reinforces the communication between Ph.D. students and researchers coming, not only from Bordeaux but also from other places in France and from abroad. The purpose of the JED is to provide an opportunity for 2nd year and 3rd year Ph.D. students to present their work, develop scientific interactions, open up their research, and discover new topics addressed in the different laboratories.
The previous JED edition brought around 300 participants. It was the opportunity to welcome 6 keynote speakers, listen to 6 oral presentations, and discover 70 posters from the Ph.D. students.
This year, we have the pleasure of inviting Mr. Laurent TERRENOIR to share his experience of mobility abroad during his Ph.D., Dr. William PLURIEL to share his experience of post-doctorate in Switzerland, Dr. Benjamin Harroué to share his experience after the Ph.D. at Touch Sensity company, and finally, Mr. Nicolas de la FUENTE for the presentation of the Crysa-link incubator and how to assist Ph.D. students in creating their start-ups.
The well-being during the thesis will be discussed in a round table format by the participation of Dr. Emmanuel DI FOLCO, assistant astronomer at the University de Bordeaux, Dr. Mathilde MAILLARD, post-doctoral researcher at Inserm, et Ms. Florence TOUCHARD, a nurse at the University de Bordeaux.